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This Winter, Join The Dominion HS Basketball Club!
Beginning November 10th at Dominion HS
Dominion Coaches, Varsity Players and the Coaches from Loudoun Flexx Basketball will join forces to prepare rising Titan basketball players for success. Club members will:
Learn the techniques, skills, and basketball vocabulary that will be used by the Dominion High School coaches.
Learn the Titan defensive system, offensive system, and style of play.
Focus on ball handling, shooting, and 1-1 moves for young players wanting to play any position.
The Dominion HS Club is the ideal way to prepare to play basketball at Dominion School!
Our Mission:
1. To develop potential Dominion basketball players and prepare them for High School basketball
2. To instill the "Dominion" basketball culture in our future players
3. To expand the fan base and create a Dominion Basketball extended family
4. To introduce Dominion coaching principles and system to aspiring Dominion players
Dominion Basketball Club
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders
Training will be grouped by age and skill
Academy style training to be held at Dominion High School from 2:30 to 4:00 on Saturdays beginning November 10th
By clicking Yes below, I being the parent of the player named below, hereby agree that I will hold the Loudoun FLEXX Basketball and its officers, directors, and coaches and any other coaches associated with the Dominion HS Basketball Club faultless in the event of injury or other harm occurring to the my child due to physical activities during a related event. By signing this “Waiver of Liability” I attest to the organizer, Loudoun Flexx Basketball, that adequate medical insurance is available for my child and that I am solely responsible for any medical expenses if necessary.
Cost is $195 per player for the club membership. Please click below to complete payment and registration.